Bills in conference committee
Bill        BillSort1 BillSort2 Short Title Action Type Action Date Action Description Prime Sponsors Bill Information
HB 5 H 5 Fuquay-Varina/Clemmons Deannexations. Senate 06/06/2024 Placed On Cal For 06/13/2024 Paré =HYPERLINK("")
HB 10 H 10 Require Sheriffs to Cooperate with ICE. House 05/15/2024 Conf Com Appointed D. Hall, B. Jones, Saine, Carson Smith =HYPERLINK("")
HB 149 H 149 Remote & Virtual Charter/CC Pres Confirmation. Senate 09/18/2023 Conferees Reappointed Elmore, Hardister, Paré =HYPERLINK("")
HB 542 H 542 HOA Revisions/Foreclosure Trustee Auctions. Senate 10/05/2023 Conf Com Appointed Liu, Brody, Tyson, Iler =HYPERLINK("")
SB 382 S 382 Dental Practice Act Changes. House 06/22/2023 Conf Com Appointed Perry, Corbin, Johnson =HYPERLINK("")