House bill actions between 6/11/2024 and 6/11/2024
Bill        BillSort1 BillSort2 Short Title Sponsor Action Date Action Description ActionSort
HB 939 H 939 Access to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Sasser 06/11/2024 Reptd Fav Com Substitute 40
HB 939 H 939 Access to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Sasser 06/11/2024 Re-ref Com On Appropriations 45
HB 1029  (= SB  871) H 1029 Right To Try Individualized Treatments. Chesser 06/11/2024 Reptd Fav Com Substitute 40
HB 1029  (= SB  871) H 1029 Right To Try Individualized Treatments. Chesser 06/11/2024 Re-ref Com On Appropriations 45
HB 1044 H 1044 County Tier Designation Study Bill. Johnson 06/11/2024 Reptd Fav Com Substitute 40
HB 1044 H 1044 County Tier Designation Study Bill. Johnson 06/11/2024 Re-ref Com On Appropriations 45
HB 1064 H 1064 City of Southport/Remove ETJ Authority. Miller 06/11/2024 Reptd Fav 40
HB 1064 H 1064 City of Southport/Remove ETJ Authority. Miller 06/11/2024 Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House 45
HB 1066 H 1066 Boiling Spring Lakes/Deannexation. Miller 06/11/2024 Reptd Fav Com Substitute 40
HB 1066 H 1066 Boiling Spring Lakes/Deannexation. Miller 06/11/2024 Re-ref Com On Finance 45
SB 559  (= HB  173) S 559 Enable Certain Charter Schools to Elect SHP. Krawiec 06/11/2024 Reptd Fav Com Substitute 165
SB 559  (= HB  173) S 559 Enable Certain Charter Schools to Elect SHP. Krawiec 06/11/2024 Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House 170